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Nome Script: Kingdom Hearts HUD Versione: 1.0(?) Autore/i: By BigEd781 Graphics by Celianna Informazioni: Lo script permette di avere un hud in stile Kingdom Hearts Istruzioni: Copiare lo script sotto materials e le immagini della cartella Picture della demo in quella del proprio progetto Script: #-------------------------------------------------------------------- # A list of colors that you may use to configure the font and gauge # colors in the config section. Simply replace the last part of each # statement, i.e., the part in the brackets <> below: # # Colors::<White> #-------------------------------------------------------------------- # Continue below for the configuration section #-------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Revisions # 10/10/09 - Creation # 10/19/09 - Added show_hud command. # Added visibility options by switch, map name, or leader # 11/05/09 - Added fadout option # 11/08/09 - Fixed bug caused by stale event listeners #-------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Basic Commands #-------------------------------------------------------------------- # * You can force the HUD to hide by using the "Script..." # event command with this text: # # $scene.hide_hud # # You can show the hud once again by using this line: # # $scene_show_hud #-------------------------------------------------------------------- module Colors AliceBlue = Color.new(240,248,255) AntiquaWhite = Color.new(250,235,215) Aqua = Color.new(0,255,255) Aquamarine = Color.new(127,255,212) Azure = Color.new(240,255,255) Beige = Color.new(245,245,220) Bisque = Color.new(255,228,196) Black = Color.new(0,0,0) BlanchedAlmond = Color.new(255,255,205) Blue = Color.new(0,0,255) BlueViolet = Color.new(138,43,226) Brown = Color.new(165,42,42) BurlyWood = Color.new(222,184,135) CadetBlue = Color.new(95,158,160) Chartreuse = Color.new(127,255,0) Chocolate = Color.new(210,105,30) Coral = Color.new(255,127,80) CornFlowerBlue = Color.new(100,149,237) Cornsilk = Color.new(255,248,220) Crimson = Color.new(220,20,60) Cyan = Color.new(0,255,255) DarkBlue = Color.new(0,0,139) DarkCyan = Color.new(0,139,139) DarkGoldenrod = Color.new(184,134,11) DarkGray = Color.new(169,169,169) DarkGreen = Color.new(0,100,0) DarkKhaki= Color.new(189,183,107) DarkMagenta = Color.new(139,0,139) DarkOliveGreen = Color.new(85,107,47) DarkOrange = Color.new(255,140,0) DarkRed = Color.new(139,0,0) DarkSalmon = Color.new(233,150,122) DarkSeaGreen = Color.new(143,188,143) DarkSlateBlue = Color.new(72,61,139) DarkSlateGray = Color.new(40,79,79) DarkTurquoise = Color.new(0,206,209) DarkViolet = Color.new(148,0,211) DeepPink = Color.new(255,20,147) DeepSkyBlue = Color.new(0,191,255) DimGray = Color.new(105,105,105) DodgerBlue = Color.new(30,144,255) FireBrick = Color.new(178,34,34) FloralWhite = Color.new(255,255,240) ForestGreen = Color.new(34,139,34) Fuschia = Color.new(255,0,255) Gainsboro = Color.new(220,220,220) GhostWhite = Color.new(248,248,255) Gold = Color.new(255,215,0) Goldenrod = Color.new(218,165,32) Gray = Color.new(128,128,128) Green = Color.new(0,128,0) GreenYellow = Color.new(173,255,47) Honeydew = Color.new(240,255,240) HotPink = Color.new(255,105,180) IndianRed = Color.new(205,92,92) Indigo = Color.new(75,0,130) Ivory = Color.new(255,240,240) Khaki = Color.new(240,230,140) Lavender = Color.new(230,230,250) LavenderBlush = Color.new(255,240,245) LawnGreen = Color.new(124,252,0) LemonChiffon = Color.new(255,250,205) LightBlue = Color.new(173,216,230) LightCoral = Color.new(240,128,128) LightCyan = Color.new(224,255,255) LightGoldenrodYellow = Color.new(250,250,210) LightGreen = Color.new(144,238,144) LightGray = Color.new(211,211,211) LightPink = Color.new(255,182,193) LightSalmon = Color.new(255,160,122) LightSeaGreen = Color.new(32,178,170) LightSkyBlue = Color.new(135,206,250) LightSlateGray = Color.new(119,136,153) LightSteelBlue = Color.new(176,196,222) LightYellow = Color.new(255,255,224) Lime = Color.new(0,255,0) LimeGreen = Color.new(50,205,50) Linen = Color.new(250,240,230) Magenta = Color.new(255,0,255) Maroon = Color.new(128,0,0) MediumAquamarine = Color.new(102,205,170) MediumBlue = Color.new(0,0,205) MediumOrchid = Color.new(186,85,211) MediumPurple = Color.new(147,112,219) MediumSeaGreen = Color.new(60,179,113) MediumSlateBlue = Color.new(123,104,238) MediumSpringGreen = Color.new(0,250,154) MediumTurquoise = Color.new(72,209,204) MediumVioletRed = Color.new(199,21,112) MidnightBlue = Color.new(25,25,112) MintCream = Color.new(245,255,250) MistyRose = Color.new(255,228,225) Moccasin = Color.new(255,228,181) NavajoWhite = Color.new(255,222,173) Navy = Color.new(0,0,128) OldLace = Color.new(253,245,230) Olive = Color.new(128,128,0) OliveDrab = Color.new(107,142,45) Orange = Color.new(255,165,0) OrangeRed = Color.new(255,69,0) Orchid = Color.new(218,112,214) PaleGoldenRod = Color.new(238,232,170) PaleGreen = Color.new(152,251,152) PaleTurquoise = Color.new(175,238,238) PaleVioletRed = Color.new(219,112,147) PapayaWhip = Color.new(255,239,213) PeachPuff = Color.new(255,218,155) Peru = Color.new(205,133,63) Pink = Color.new(255,192,203) Plum = Color.new(221,160,221) PowderBlue = Color.new(176,224,230) Purple = Color.new(128,0,128) Red = Color.new(255,0,0) RosyBrown = Color.new(188,143,143) RoyalBlue = Color.new(65,105,225) SaddleBrown = Color.new(139,69,19) Salmon = Color.new(250,128,114) SandyBrown = Color.new(244,164,96) SeaGreen = Color.new(46,139,87) Seashell = Color.new(255,245,238) Sienna = Color.new(160,82,45) Silver = Color.new(192,192,192) SkyBlue = Color.new(135,206,235) SlateBlue = Color.new(106,90,205) SlateGray = Color.new(112,128,144) Snow = Color.new(255,250,250) SpringGreen = Color.new(0,255,127) SteelBlue = Color.new(70,130,180) Tan = Color.new(210,180,140) Teal = Color.new(0,128,128) Thistle = Color.new(216,191,216) Tomato = Color.new(253,99,71) Turquoise = Color.new(64,244,208) Violet = Color.new(238,130,238) Wheat = Color.new(245,222,179) White = Color.new(255,255,255) WhiteSmoke = Color.new(245,245,245) Yellow = Color.new(255,255,0) YellowGreen = Color.new(154,205,50) GaugeGreen = Color.new(202,241,126) GaugeBlue = Color.new(137,222,254) end #-------------------------------------------------------------------- # do not touch this class Point attr_reader :x attr_reader :y def initialize(x, y) @x, @y = x, y end def to_a [@x, @y] end end # or this class ScrollDirection Left = 0 Right = 1 end #-------------------------------------------------------------------- #-------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Configuration Section #-------------------------------------------------------------------- module HudConfig # The actor id of the main character in your game. # This will be the character in the main hud window. PLAYER_ID = 1 # if this is set to 'true' the HUD will go opaque. # when the player is walking. TRANSPARENT_WHEN_MOVING = false # this is the minimum opacity value reached while walking. # this should be a value between 0 and 255. TRANSPARENCY_WHEN_MOVING = 255 # this value determines how fast the HUD will fade out and in. # this is in incremenets per frame (60 frames per second). TRANSPARENCY_SWITCH_SPEED = 2 # If this switch is 'ON' the hud will not appear at all. # Set this to 'nil' to disable the feature completely NO_SHOW_SWITCH = nil # If this text is found in a map name the hud will # be disabled for that map at all times. This text # will be removed from the map name proper in case # you are using a map name script or somethin like that. NO_SHOW_TEXT = 'hud no show' # Display an empty hud if there is no party leader? SHOW_IF_NO_LEADER = false # Name of the player (main character) hud graphic PLAYER_HUD_IMAGE_NAME = 'player_hud' # Use the gren and blue mp/hp gauges? # You may use your own graphics, but they must # adhere to the same format as the originals, i.e., # # hud_bar_hp_000.png # # Where the '000' part is a multiple of five, from 0-100. PLAYER_USE_CUSTOM_GAUGE = true # The physical location of the hud sprite. # All of the other graphic locations are relative to this one. PLAYER_HUD_LOC = Point.new(0, 0) # The relative location of the hud image to the hud sprite. PLAYER_HUD_IMAGE_LOCATION = Point.new(0, 0) # The starting location of each peice of the HP gauge. PLAYER_HP_GAUGE_LOCATION = Point.new(0, 0) # the starting location of each peice of the MP gauge. PLAYER_MP_GAUGE_LOCATION = Point.new(0, 0) SHOW_PLAYER_FACE_IMAGE = true # The location of the face graphic. FACE_LOCATION = Point.new(35, 0) # Show all party members? (THESE FEATURES ARE NOT YET IMPLEMENTED) USE_MEMBER_WINDOW = true MEMBER_HUD_IMAGE_NAME = 'member_hud' MEMBER_USE_CUSTOM_GAUGE = false # Allow the player to hide the HUD by pressing a button? ALLOW_HUD_HIDE = false # The button which will trigger a hud move. HIDE_HUD_INPUT = Input::X # The speed at which to move the hud. HUD_HIDE_SPEED = 7 # replace "Left" with "Right" below to change the scroll direction HUD_SCROLL_DIRECTION = ScrollDirection::Left # Global values which are convenient for setting # multiple values to the same thing. GLOBAL_FONT_NAME = ['Magneto', 'Consolas', 'Verdana', 'Ariel', 'Courier New'] GLOBAL_PLAYER_FONT_SIZE = 22 GLOBAL_MEMBER_FONT_SIZE = 22 SHOW_PLAYER_NAME = true # The rest of the settings deal with setting the # location and style of the text displayed in the HUD PLAYER_NAME_FONT = GLOBAL_FONT_NAME PLAYER_NAME_COLOR = Colors::Silver PLAYER_NAME_USE_ITALICS = false PLAYER_NAME_USE_BOLD = false PLAYER_NAME_USE_SHADOW = true PLAYER_NAME_FONT_SIZE = 20 PLAYER_NAME_LOCATION = Point.new(125,0) PLAYER_NAME_WIDTH = 90 PLAYER_NAME_HEIGHT = 22 MEMBER_NAME_FONT = GLOBAL_FONT_NAME MEMBER_NAME_COLOR = Colors::White MEMBER_NAME_FONT_SIZE = GLOBAL_MEMBER_FONT_SIZE MEMBER_NAME_LOCATION = Point.new(0,0) USE_HP_TEXT_DISPLAY = true PLAYER_HP_FONT = ['Consolas', 'Verdana', 'Ariel', 'Courier New'] PLAYER_FULL_HP_COLOR = Colors::GaugeGreen PLAYER_HP_FONT_USE_ITALICS = false PLAYER_HP_FONT_USE_BOLD = true PLAYER_HP_FONT_USE_SHADOW = true PLAYER_HP_FONT_SIZE = 14 PLAYER_HP_LOCATION = Point.new(130,66) PLAYER_HP_WIDTH = 76 PLAYER_HP_HEIGHT = 11 MEMBER_HP_FONT = GLOBAL_FONT_NAME MEMBER_HP_FONT_SIZE = GLOBAL_MEMBER_FONT_SIZE MEMBER_HP_LOCATION = Point.new(0,0) USE_MP_TEXT_DISPLAY = USE_HP_TEXT_DISPLAY PLAYER_MP_FONT = PLAYER_HP_FONT PLAYER_FULL_MP_COLOR = Colors::GaugeBlue PLAYER_MP_FONT_USE_ITALICS = PLAYER_HP_FONT_USE_ITALICS PLAYER_MP_FONT_USE_BOLD = PLAYER_HP_FONT_USE_BOLD PLAYER_MP_FONT_USE_SHADOW = PLAYER_HP_FONT_USE_SHADOW PLAYER_MP_FONT_SIZE = PLAYER_HP_FONT_SIZE PLAYER_MP_LOCATION = Point.new(PLAYER_HP_LOCATION.x, PLAYER_HP_LOCATION.y + PLAYER_HP_HEIGHT + 1) PLAYER_MP_WIDTH = PLAYER_HP_WIDTH PLAYER_MP_HEIGHT = PLAYER_HP_HEIGHT MEMBER_MP_FONT = GLOBAL_FONT_NAME MEMBER_MP_FONT_SIZE = GLOBAL_MEMBER_FONT_SIZE MEMBER_MP_LOCATION = Point.new(0,0) SHOW_PLAYER_LEVEL = true PLAYER_LEVEL_FONT = GLOBAL_FONT_NAME PLAYER_LEVEL_COLOR = Colors::Gold PLAYER_LEVEL_USE_ITALICS = false PLAYER_LEVEL_USE_BOLD = false PLAYER_LEVEL_USE_SHADOW = true PLAYER_LEVEL_FONT_SIZE = 18 PLAYER_LEVEL_LOCATION = Point.new(136,24) PLAYER_LEVEL_WIDTH = 36 PLAYER_LEVEL_HEIGHT = 35 MEMBER_LEVEL_FONT = GLOBAL_FONT_NAME MEMBER_LEVEL_COLOR = PLAYER_LEVEL_COLOR MEMBER_LEVEL_FONT_SIZE = 10 MEMBER_LEVEL_LOCATION = Point.new(0,0) #------- # don't change the values below unless you know what you are doing. # Shows above the map and below the message window by default PLAYER_HUD_Z = 199 # The text format used for gauage images. HEALTH_GAUGE_FORMAT = 'hud_bar_%s_%.3d' # the name of the image file used as a mask for the face graphic PLAYER_FACE_MASK_NAME = 'player_face_mask' end class EventHandler def initialize @client_map = {} end def add_listener(id, func) (@client_map[id.hash] ||= []) << func end def remove_listener(id) return @client_map.delete(id.hash) end def alert_listeners(*args) @client_map.each_value { |v| v.each { |func| func.call(*args) } } end def dispose @client_map = nil end end class Game_Actor < Game_Battler attr_reader :hp_changed attr_reader :mp_changed attr_reader :maxhp_changed attr_reader :maxmp_changed alias :pre_confhud_ga_init :initialize unless $@ def initialize(*args) @hp_changed = EventHandler.new @mp_changed = EventHandler.new @maxhp_changed = EventHandler.new @maxmp_changed = EventHandler.new pre_confhud_ga_init(*args) end def on_hp_changed(*args) @hp_changed.alert_listeners(*args) end def on_mp_changed(*args) @mp_changed.alert_listeners(*args) end def on_maxhp_changed(*args) @maxhp_changed.alert_listeners(*args) end def on_maxmp_changed(*args) @maxmp_changed.alert_listeners(*args) end alias :pre_confhud_ga_hpequ :hp= unless $@ def hp=(*args) temp = @hp pre_confhud_ga_hpequ(*args) on_hp_changed(@hp) unless temp == @hp end alias :pre_confhud_ga_maxhpequ :maxhp= unless $@ def maxhp=(*args) temp = self.maxhp pre_confhud_ga_maxhpequ(*args) cur_max = self.maxhp on_maxhp_changed(cur_max) unless temp == cur_max end alias :pre_confhud_ga_mpequ :mp= unless $@ def mp=(*args) temp = @mp pre_confhud_ga_mpequ(*args) on_mp_changed(@mp) unless temp == @mp end alias :pre_confhud_ga_maxmpequ :maxmp= unless $@ def maxmp=(*args) temp = self.maxmp pre_confhud_ga_maxmpequ(*args) cur_max = self.maxmp on_maxmp_changed(cur_max) unless temp == cur_max end alias :pre_confhud_ga_recover_all :recover_all unless $@ def recover_all(*args) temp_hp, temp_mp = @hp, @mp pre_confhud_ga_recover_all(*args) on_hp_changed if temp_hp != @hp on_mp_changed if temp_mp != @mp end end class Game_Party attr_reader :party_leader_changed alias :pre_confhud_gp_init :initialize def initialize(*args) pre_confhud_gp_init(*args) @party_leader_changed = EventHandler.new end def on_party_leader_changed(*args) party_leader_changed.alert_listeners(*args) end alias :pre_confhud_gp_add_actor :add_actor def add_actor(*args) leader = $game_party.members.first pre_confhud_gp_add_actor(*args) on_party_leader_changed unless leader == $game_party.members.first end alias :pre_confhud_gp_remove_actor :remove_actor def remove_actor(*args) leader = $game_party.members.first pre_confhud_gp_remove_actor(*args) on_party_leader_changed unless leader == $game_party.members.first end end class Game_Player < Game_Character attr_reader :move_begun attr_reader :move_end alias :pre_confhud_gp_init :initialize def initialize(*args) @move_begun = EventHandler.new @move_end = EventHandler.new @move_started = false pre_confhud_gp_init(*args) end def on_move_begun @move_started = true @move_begun.alert_listeners end def on_move_end @move_started = false @move_end.alert_listeners end alias :pre_confhud_gp_update :update def update on_move_end if !moving? && @move_started pre_confhud_gp_update end alias :pre_conf_hud_gp_move_d :move_down def move_down(*args) on_move_begun if passable?(@x, @y + 1) pre_conf_hud_gp_move_d(*args) end alias :pre_conf_hud_gp_move_l :move_left def move_left(*args) on_move_begun if passable?(@x - 1, @y) pre_conf_hud_gp_move_l(*args) end alias :pre_conf_hud_gp_move_u :move_up def move_up(*args) on_move_begun if passable?(@x, @y - 1) pre_conf_hud_gp_move_u(*args) end alias :pre_conf_hud_gp_move_r :move_right def move_right(*args) on_move_begun if passable?(@x + 1, @y) pre_conf_hud_gp_move_r(*args) end end class Window_Base < Window alias :pre_confhud_wb_hp_color :hp_color unless $@ def hp_color(actor, for_hud=false) return HudConfig::PLAYER_FULL_HP_COLOR if for_hud && actor.hp == actor.maxhp return pre_confhud_wb_hp_color(actor) end alias :pre_confhud_wb_mp_color :mp_color unless $@ def mp_color(actor, for_hud=false) return HudConfig::PLAYER_FULL_MP_COLOR if for_hud && actor.mp == actor.maxmp return pre_confhud_wb_mp_color(actor) end end class MainHud < Sprite_Base include HudConfig WLH = Window_Base::WLH attr_accessor :actor def initialize(location, viewport=nil, actor=nil, visible=true) $game_player.move_begun.add_listener(self, lambda { player_begin_move }) $game_player.move_end.add_listener(self, lambda { player_end_move }) @hud_visible = visible @new_opacity = 255 super(viewport) self.bitmap = Bitmap.new(Graphics.width, Graphics.height) self.x, self.y = location.x, location.y self.actor = actor end def player_end_move @new_opacity = 255 end def player_begin_move @new_opacity = TRANSPARENCY_WHEN_MOVING end def update if TRANSPARENT_WHEN_MOVING && self.opacity != @new_opacity incr = TRANSPARENCY_SWITCH_SPEED if @new_opacity < self.opacity new_opacity = [self.opacity - incr, @new_opacity].max else new_opacity = [self.opacity + incr, @new_opacity].min end self.opacity = new_opacity end super end def actor=(value) # allow nil values to cause a refresh so that the hud # is painted at all times, even when there are no party members. return if @actor == value unless value.nil? remove_listeners(@actor) add_listeners(value) @actor = value create_player_face_image refresh end def hud_visible? @hud_visible end def hud_visible=(value) if @hud_visible != value @hud_visible = value refresh end end def image_rect ret = hud_image.rect ret.x, ret.y = *PLAYER_HUD_LOC.to_a return ret end def create_dummy_window win = Window_Base.new(0, 0, 64, 64) win.visible = false return win end # Stupid hack to get standard text colors because # I did not feel like copy & pasting those methods. def hp_color return (@window ||= create_dummy_window).hp_color(@actor, true) end def mp_color return (@window ||= create_dummy_window).mp_color(@actor, true) end def hud_image return Cache.picture(PLAYER_HUD_IMAGE_NAME) end def hud_location return PLAYER_HUD_IMAGE_LOCATION end def hp_gauge_location return PLAYER_HP_GAUGE_LOCATION end def mp_gauge_location return PLAYER_MP_GAUGE_LOCATION end def name_draw_rect return Rect.new( PLAYER_NAME_LOCATION.x, PLAYER_NAME_LOCATION.y, PLAYER_NAME_WIDTH, PLAYER_NAME_HEIGHT ) end def level_draw_rect return Rect.new( PLAYER_LEVEL_LOCATION.x, PLAYER_LEVEL_LOCATION.y, PLAYER_LEVEL_WIDTH, PLAYER_LEVEL_HEIGHT ) end def hp_draw_rect return Rect.new( PLAYER_HP_LOCATION.x, PLAYER_HP_LOCATION.y, PLAYER_HP_WIDTH, PLAYER_HP_HEIGHT ) end def mp_draw_rect return Rect.new( PLAYER_MP_LOCATION.x, PLAYER_MP_LOCATION.y, PLAYER_MP_WIDTH, PLAYER_MP_HEIGHT ) end def name_font font = Font.new(PLAYER_NAME_FONT, PLAYER_NAME_FONT_SIZE) font.color = PLAYER_NAME_COLOR font.italic = PLAYER_NAME_USE_ITALICS font.bold = PLAYER_NAME_USE_BOLD font.shadow = PLAYER_NAME_USE_SHADOW return font end def hp_font font = Font.new(PLAYER_HP_FONT, PLAYER_HP_FONT_SIZE) font.color = hp_color font.italic = PLAYER_HP_FONT_USE_ITALICS font.bold = PLAYER_HP_FONT_USE_BOLD font.shadow = PLAYER_HP_FONT_USE_SHADOW return font end def mp_font font = Font.new(PLAYER_MP_FONT, PLAYER_MP_FONT_SIZE) font.color = mp_color font.italic = PLAYER_MP_FONT_USE_ITALICS font.bold = PLAYER_MP_FONT_USE_BOLD font.shadow = PLAYER_MP_FONT_USE_SHADOW return font end def level_font font = Font.new(PLAYER_LEVEL_FONT, PLAYER_LEVEL_FONT_SIZE) font.color = PLAYER_LEVEL_COLOR font.italic = PLAYER_LEVEL_USE_ITALICS font.bold = PLAYER_LEVEL_USE_BOLD font.shadow = PLAYER_LEVEL_USE_SHADOW return font end def player_face_mask_image return Cache.picture(PLAYER_FACE_MASK_NAME) end def create_player_face_image(size=96) if @actor.nil? @face_image = Bitmap.new(size, size) return end rect = Rect.new(0, 0, 0, 0) rect.x = @actor.face_index % 4 * 96 + (96 - size) / 2 rect.y = @actor.face_index / 4 * 96 + (96 - size) / 2 rect.width = size rect.height = size face = Cache.face(@actor.face_name) mask = player_face_mask_image @face_image = Bitmap.new(rect.width, rect.height) @face_image.blt(0, 0, face, rect) for y in 0...rect.height for x in 0...rect.width mask_color = mask.get_pixel(x, y) @face_image.set_pixel(x, y, mask_color) if mask_color.alpha.zero? end end end def add_listeners(actor) return if actor.nil? func = lambda { refresh } actor.hp_changed.add_listener(self, func) actor.maxhp_changed.add_listener(self, func) actor.mp_changed.add_listener(self, func) actor.maxmp_changed.add_listener(self, func) end def hp_value_changed refresh end def remove_listeners(actor) return if actor.nil? actor.hp_changed.remove_listener(self) actor.maxhp_changed.remove_listener(self) actor.mp_changed.remove_listener(self) actor.maxmp_changed.remove_listener(self) end def draw_hud draw_custom_mp_gauge draw_custom_hp_gauge image = hud_image location = hud_location self.bitmap.blt(location.x, location.y, image, image.rect) end def draw_custom_hp_gauge cur, max = *(@actor.nil? ? [0,1] : [@actor.hp,@actor.maxhp]) draw_gauge(hp_gauge_location, 'hp', cur, max) end def draw_custom_mp_gauge cur, max = *(@actor.nil? ? [0,1] : [@actor.mp,@actor.maxmp]) draw_gauge(mp_gauge_location, 'mp', cur, max) end def draw_gauge(location, stat_name, current, max) percent_health = (current / max.to_f) * 100 multiple = 5 percent_health = check_health_bounds(percent_health, multiple) percent_health = round_to_multiple_of(multiple, percent_health.round) file_name = HEALTH_GAUGE_FORMAT % [stat_name, percent_health] image = Cache.picture(file_name) self.bitmap.blt(location.x, location.y, image, image.rect) end def round_to_multiple_of(multiple_of, num) # why in the fuck did I do this this way? # leave comments for yourself in the future dumbass. leftover = num % multiple_of return num if leftover.zero? if leftover > multiple_of / 2 sym = :+ else sym = :- end ret = num loop do ret = ret.send sym, 1 break if ret % multiple_of == 0 end return ret end def check_health_bounds(num, multiple) # dont allow the gauge to read 100 or 0 unless # the current health actually is 100 or 0. next_lower = 100 - multiple if num > next_lower && num < 100 return next_lower elsif num < multiple && num > 0 return multiple else return num end end def draw_face self.bitmap.blt(FACE_LOCATION.x, FACE_LOCATION.y, @face_image, @face_image.rect) end def draw_name return if @actor.nil? name = @actor.name rect = name_draw_rect font = name_font temp_font = self.bitmap.font self.bitmap.font = font self.bitmap.draw_text(rect, name) self.bitmap.font = temp_font end def draw_level return if @actor.nil? level = @actor.level rect = level_draw_rect font = level_font temp_font = self.bitmap.font self.bitmap.font = font self.bitmap.draw_text(rect, level, 1) self.bitmap.font = temp_font end def use_custom_gauges? return PLAYER_USE_CUSTOM_GAUGE end def health_text(prefix, cur, max) return "#{prefix}: #{cur}/#{max}" end def draw_health(rect, font, prefix, cur, max) self.bitmap.font = font xr = rect.x + rect.width health_width = (rect.width * 0.33).round spacer_width = (health_width / 2.1).round temp_font = self.bitmap.font prefixf = prefix + ':' # fuck this pile of shit, move along, this will just hurt your head self.bitmap.draw_text(rect.x, rect.y, self.bitmap.text_size(prefixf).width, rect.height, prefixf) self.bitmap.draw_text(xr - spacer_width - health_width * 2 + (health_width * 0.15).round, rect.y, health_width, rect.height, cur, 2) self.bitmap.draw_text(xr - spacer_width - health_width, rect.y, spacer_width, rect.height, "/", 2) self.bitmap.draw_text(xr - health_width, rect.y, health_width, rect.height, max, 2) self.bitmap.font = temp_font end def draw_hp return if @actor.nil? draw_health(hp_draw_rect, hp_font, Vocab.hp_a, @actor.hp, @actor.maxhp) end def draw_mp return if @actor.nil? draw_health(mp_draw_rect, mp_font, Vocab.mp_a, @actor.mp, @actor.maxmp) end def refresh self.bitmap.clear return unless hud_visible? draw_face if SHOW_PLAYER_FACE_IMAGE draw_hud draw_name if SHOW_PLAYER_NAME draw_level if SHOW_PLAYER_LEVEL draw_hp if USE_HP_TEXT_DISPLAY draw_mp if USE_MP_TEXT_DISPLAY end def dispose remove_listeners(@actor) $game_player.move_begun.remove_listener(self) $game_player.move_end.remove_listener(self) unless @window.nil? @window.dispose @window = nil end super end end class SubHud < MainHud end class Game_Map alias :pre_confhud_gm_setup :setup def setup(*args) id = *args @info = load_data('Data/MapInfos.rvdata')[id] pre_confhud_gm_setup(*args) end def display_hud? return [email protected]?(HudConfig::NO_SHOW_TEXT) end end class Scene_Map < Scene_Base include HudConfig attr_reader :player_hud # used to keep track of the hud location between # setups and teardowns, i.e., if you enter the menu or battle. @@last_hud_ox = 0 alias :pre_confhud_sm_start :start unless $@ def start pre_confhud_sm_start initialize_hud $game_party.party_leader_changed.add_listener(self, lambda { @player_hud.actor = $game_party.members.first }) end def initialize_hud @hud_viewport = Viewport.new(0, 0, 544, 416) @hud_viewport.z = PLAYER_HUD_Z @hud_viewport.ox = @@last_hud_ox @@target_hud_location ||= @hud_viewport.ox actor = $game_party.members.first @player_hud = MainHud.new( PLAYER_HUD_LOC, @hud_viewport, actor, hud_enabled?(actor) ) end alias :pre_confhud_sm_update :update unless $@ def update pre_confhud_sm_update update_hud update_hud_input update_hud_transition end alias :pre_confhud_sm_update_basic :update_basic unless $@ def update_basic(*args) pre_confhud_sm_update_basic update_hud end def show_hud trigger_scroll end def hide_hud trigger_scroll(true) end def trigger_scroll(force_hide=false) @@hud_moving = true if @hud_viewport.ox.zero? hud_rect = @player_hud.image_rect left = HUD_SCROLL_DIRECTION == ScrollDirection::Left offset = left ? hud_rect.width + hud_rect.x : -(Graphics.width - hud_rect.<img src='http://rpgmkr.net/forum/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/sourirex.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='X)' /> @@target_hud_location = @hud_viewport.ox + offset elsif !force_hide @@target_hud_location = 0 end end def update_hud @player_hud.hud_visible = hud_enabled? @player_hud.update @hud_viewport.update end def hud_enabled?(actor=nil) return false if !SHOW_IF_NO_LEADER && (actor ||= @player_hud.actor).nil? return false unless $game_map.display_hud? return false unless NO_SHOW_SWITCH.nil? || !$game_switches[NO_SHOW_SWITCH] return true end def update_hud_input trigger_scroll if ALLOW_HUD_HIDE && Input.trigger?(HIDE_HUD_INPUT) end def update_hud_transition @@hud_moving = @hud_viewport.ox != @@target_hud_location return unless @@hud_moving incr = @hud_viewport.ox < @@target_hud_location ? HUD_HIDE_SPEED : -HUD_HIDE_SPEED @hud_viewport.ox += [incr, (@hud_viewport.ox - @@target_hud_location).abs].min end alias :pre_confhud_sm_terminate :terminate unless $@ def terminate pre_confhud_sm_terminate $game_party.party_leader_changed.remove_listener(self) @player_hud.dispose @@last_hud_ox = @hud_viewport.ox end end Demo: http://www.mediafire.com/?g17t2tbaralgxz2