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Titolo: Vx To Xp Char Converter Versione: 1.0 Autore/i: game_guy Informazioni: Converte Chara VX in Chara XP Screenshots: Istruzioni: Mettete il file nella cartella giusta e avviate il gioco e convertirà automaticamente... Ah se all'avvio vi da errore è perchè dovete creare la cartella 3x4 che serve per mettere i file a un chara.. le conversioni le trovate nella cartella Converted... Script: #=============================================================================== #=============================================================================== # Vx To Xp Char Converter # Version 1.0 # Author game_guy #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Intro # Converts the little vx guys to xp format. # # Features # Converts the 12x8 frame chars (ones with 8 people) # Converts the 3x4 frame chars (the single person) # # Instructions # Just place character files in the Chars/12x8 folder for 12x8 chars. # Place files in Chars/3x4 folder for 3x4 chars. # Then run the game, it'll convert it for you. # # Credits # game_guy ~ for making it # Fantasist ~ teaching me how to get files from folder, and how to use bitmap to # png code # 66rpg ~ for their bitmap to png code # #=============================================================================== =begin ============================================================================== Bitmap to PNG By 轮回者 ============================================================================== 对Bitmap对象直接使用 bitmap_obj.make_png(name[, path]) name:保存文件名 path:保存路径 感谢66、夏娜、金圭子的提醒和帮助! ============================================================================== =end module Zlib class Png_File < GzipWriter #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ● 主处理 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def make_png(bitmap_Fx,mode) @mode = mode @bitmap_Fx = bitmap_Fx self.write(make_header) self.write(make_ihdr) self.write(make_idat) self.write(make_iend) end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ● PNG文件头数据块 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def make_header return [0x89,0x50,0x4e,0x47,0x0d,0x0a,0x1a,0x0a].pack("C*") end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ● PNG文件情报头数据块(IHDR) #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def make_ihdr ih_size = [13].pack("N") ih_sign = "IHDR" ih_width = [@bitmap_Fx.width].pack("N") ih_height = [@bitmap_Fx.height].pack("N") ih_bit_depth = [8].pack("C") ih_color_type = [6].pack("C") ih_compression_method = [0].pack("C") ih_filter_method = [0].pack("C") ih_interlace_method = [0].pack("C") string = ih_sign + ih_width + ih_height + ih_bit_depth + ih_color_type + ih_compression_method + ih_filter_method + ih_interlace_method ih_crc = [Zlib.crc32(string)].pack("N") return ih_size + string + ih_crc end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ● 生成图像数据(IDAT) #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def make_idat header = "\x49\x44\x41\x54" case @mode # 请54~ when 1 data = make_bitmap_data#1 else data = make_bitmap_data end data = Zlib::Deflate.deflate(data, 8) crc = [Zlib.crc32(header + data)].pack("N") size = [data.length].pack("N") return size + header + data + crc end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ● 从Bitmap对象中生成图像数据 mode 1(请54~) #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def make_bitmap_data1 w = @bitmap_Fx.width h = @bitmap_Fx.height data = [] for y in 0...h data.push(0) for x in 0...w color = @bitmap_Fx.get_pixel(x, y) red = color.red green = color.green blue = color.blue alpha = color.alpha data.push(red) data.push(green) data.push(blue) data.push(alpha) end end return data.pack("C*") end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ● 从Bitmap对象中生成图像数据 mode 0 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def make_bitmap_data gz = Zlib::GzipWriter.open('hoge.gz') t_Fx = 0 w = @bitmap_Fx.width h = @bitmap_Fx.height data = [] for y in 0...h data.push(0) for x in 0...w t_Fx += 1 if t_Fx % 10000 == 0 Graphics.update end if t_Fx % 100000 == 0 s = data.pack("C*") gz.write(s) data.clear #GC.start end color = @bitmap_Fx.get_pixel(x, y) red = color.red green = color.green blue = color.blue alpha = color.alpha data.push(red) data.push(green) data.push(blue) data.push(alpha) end end s = data.pack("C*") gz.write(s) gz.close data.clear gz = Zlib::GzipReader.open('hoge.gz') data = gz.read gz.close File.delete('hoge.gz') return data end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ● PNG文件尾数据块(IEND) #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def make_iend ie_size = [0].pack("N") ie_sign = "IEND" ie_crc = [Zlib.crc32(ie_sign)].pack("N") return ie_size + ie_sign + ie_crc end end end #============================================================================== # ■ Bitmap #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # 关联到Bitmap。 #============================================================================== class Bitmap #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ● 关联 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def make_png(name="like", path="",mode=0) make_dir(path) if path != "" Zlib::Png_File.open("temp.gz") {|gz| gz.make_png(self,mode) } Zlib::GzipReader.open("temp.gz") {|gz| $read = gz.read } f = File.open(path + name + ".png","wb") f.write($read) f.close File.delete('temp.gz') end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ● 生成保存路径 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def make_dir(path) dir = path.split("/") for i in 0...dir.size unless dir == "." add_dir = dir[0..i].join("/") begin Dir.mkdir(add_dir) rescue end end end end end module GameGuy def self.vxconvert(file) begin char = GameGuy.character(file, 0) rescue $skipped += 1 return end width = char.width / 4 height = char.height / 2 vxwidth = width / 3 index = 0 xx = 0 yy = 0 unless FileTest.directory?("Converted/#{file}/") Dir.mkdir("Converted/#{file}/") end loop do bitmap = Bitmap.new(width + vxwidth, height) rect1 = Rect.new(xx+vxwidth, yy, vxwidth, height) bitmap.blt(0, 0, char, rect1) rect2 = Rect.new(xx, yy, width, height) bitmap.blt(vxwidth, 0, char, rect2) bitmap.make_png("#{file} #{index}", "Converted/#{file}/") bitmap.dispose bitmap = nil if index == 7 $converted += 1 break end index += 1 case index when 0,4 xx = width*0 when 1,5 xx = width*1 when 2,6 xx = width*2 when 3,7 xx = width*3 end if index == 4 yy = height end end end def self.svxconvert(file) begin char = GameGuy.scharacter(file, 0) rescue $skipped += 1 return end width = char.width / 3 height = char.height bitmap = Bitmap.new(width * 4, height) rect1 = Rect.new(width, 0, width, height) bitmap.blt(0, 0, char, rect1) rect2 = Rect.new(0, 0, width * 3, height) bitmap.blt(width, 0, char, rect2) unless FileTest.directory?("Converted/#{file}/") Dir.mkdir("Converted/#{file}/") end bitmap.make_png("#{file}", "Converted/#{file}/") $converted += 1 end end module GameGuy @cache = {} def self.load_bitmap(folder_name, filename, hue = 0) path = folder_name + filename if not @cache.include?(path) or @cache[path].disposed? if filename != "" @cache[path] = Bitmap.new(path) else @cache[path] = Bitmap.new(32, 32) end end if hue == 0 @cache[path] else key = [path, hue] if not @cache.include?(key) or @cache[key].disposed? @cache[key] = @cache[path].clone @cache[key].hue_change(hue) end @cache[key] end end def self.character(filename, hue) self.load_bitmap("Chars/12x8/", filename, hue) end def self.scharacter(filename, hue) self.load_bitmap("Chars/3x4/", filename, hue) end end begin unless FileTest.directory?("Converted") Dir.mkdir("Converted") end $time = Time.now $converted = 0 $skipped = 0 @names = [] dir = Dir.new('Chars/12x8/') dir.entries.each {|file| next unless file.include?('.png') @names.push(file); GameGuy.character(file, 0)} for i in [email protected] GameGuy.vxconvert(@names[i]) end @names = [] dir = Dir.new('Chars/3x4/') dir.entries.each {|file| next unless file.include?('.png') @names.push(file); GameGuy.scharacter(file, 0)} for i in [email protected] GameGuy.svxconvert(@names[i]) end print "Converted #{$converted} files in #{Time.now - $time} seconds" + "\n" + "Total Skipped Files: #{$skipped}" exit end Demo:Download Incompatibilita: Nessuna incompatibilità riscontrata.